Woman Sacrifices Business To Build Home For Homeless Children

FIJI | The world turned upside down when the lease on the building that was home to Treasure House was unexpectedly terminated and the children were faced with eviction. The orphaned, abandoned, and special--needs children and teens were not the only ones with an uncertain future. The staff and workers were affected too—especially the director, Ulamila Kaisau (above right, with ALO Director Doris Eckert). Ulamila had been preparing to go in a new direction, transitioning Treasure House to new leadership while striking out on a new venture of her own.

But the unexpected emergency changed everything. Prayerfully and selflessly, Ulamila and her husband decided to take the money she had planned to invest in starting her new business and use it instead to build a new home for the Treasure House children. Someone had to do it, and Ulamila and her husband stepped up and said yes to God. In spite of their great gift, more help is needed.

With your help, ALO is doing its part to help. Soon the building will be complete, and the kids will be able to move into their new home.

”If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” — Matthew 19:21 ESV


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