Children with healthy bodies and minds are a gift from God to the world.
They grow, dream, reach for, believe in, and achieve better things; but not every child is healthy. Sometimes the circumstances are beyond anyone’s control, such as ill health caused by disease or accidents. But too many times, children are unhealthy because they’re hungry. Hunger makes learning difficult and drastically reduces a child’s opportunities, quality of life, and even lifespan.
Other children are unhealthy because of unhealed mental trauma. Family violence, exploitation, and grinding poverty steal a child’s vitality and joy—even their desire to live. ALO has promised to help such children find mental and spiritual healing as well as physical health.
Meals & Nutrition: ALO contributes to the cost of 3,780 healthy meals each week for impoverished children in Laos and in the Philippines.
2025 Funding Target for Healthy Meals: 3,780 meals = $1,890 per week = $98,280 per year
Anti-Trafficking Initiatives: Providing for the basic needs of these children is an effective way to build relationships with mothers and children trapped in this dark place. It has proven to be the first step in showing these women there is hope and a way out.
Other Projects: Our partners are empowering communities by feeding malnourished children, supplying clean water and sanitation services, and helping families suffering from extreme cold, drought, or natural disasters.
2025 Funding Target for all health programs: $128,000
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“If, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded.”
— Matthew 10:42 TLB
Ways to Pray:
Pray for the health and strength of children across Asia Pacific who are hungry, malnourished, or weak.
Pray that God will restore the health of the sick and raise to life those dying and without hope.
Pray that the light of God will penetrate the darkest corners of minds and hearts, restoring and renewing children, teens, and adults to mental, physical, and spiritual health.