Kamla Finds God

SENSITIVE COUNTRY | A local long-term teacher at one of our partners’ ministries made an exciting announcement after a staff Bible study: he was looking forward to a grand reunion with his parents more than 30 years after being orphaned. He had made a decision to follow Christ, just as his parents had years earlier. Although less than 2 percent of the population in that country is Christian, Kamla’s parents were believers. They died before they were able to raise their young son in the Christian faith. Kamla had not made his own decision to follow Christ, but he was aware that his parents had prayed that he would.

Years later, God opened the door for Kamla to teach academic subjects with one of our ALO partners. When Bible studies were offered to staff members, Kamla attended each one. Although he said little, he was happy to finally have the opportunity to learn about Christ.

Kamla’s quiet faith in this closed country is fierce and growing. When a distant relative became deathly ill and could find no help from physicians or spirit doctors, Kamla called and told her that if she wanted to be healed, she should find a group of believers to pray for her. “God, our Creator, is the only one who can truly heal,” Kamla told her.

This woman traveled more than two hours on difficult mountain trails to finally reach a group of Christians who prayed for her. She was miraculously healed and also became a believer! God is moving, even in closed countries. He answers our prayers for the salvation of others, even if it seems to us to take a long time. As we continue to pray, God will continue to work.

“Always pray and never give up.” — Luke 18:1 NLT


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