Daybreak UB

Sensitive Country


To improve the physical and spiritual health of families struggling in this sensitive country

Daybreak UB combats high youth suicide rates with suicide awareness and prevention programs in high schools. Their mission is to curb the increasing rates of teen pregnancies and complications for young mothers and babies through sex education in the schools. They assist with nutrition, health, and welfare needs of struggling herdspeople while demonstrating the love of God to families and communities by assisting struggling schools.

Target for 2025: $30,000

Breakdown: $5,000 for high school suicide awareness and prevention outreach

$5,000 for high school sex education outreach

$5,000 for struggling herdspeople assistance

$1,250 for repairs and supplies for each of 12 struggling post-­communist schools

Additional Details: They have been invited into schools to provide sex education and suicide-prevention training using Focus on the Family curriculum and materials for middle and high-school-aged kids and educators/community leaders.

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-­discipline.

— 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

Why Health Matters