Treasure House Orphanage



To care for orphaned and abandoned children—some with severe special needs—while preparing them for adoption or independence.

Treasure House cares for 19 orphans ranging in ages from infancy to 21 years old. Normally, a young person leaves the home when he or she graduates from high school. Sometimes children leave because they are adopted. But five of the orphans are severely disabled and will always be considered wards of the state. Fiji has limited resources, and without a family, these precious young people would have no way to survive. They count on Treasure House to be their forever home.

Target for 2025: $12,000

Breakdown: 19 orphans × $1,000 per month for basic needs

Additional Details: Treasure House recently moved into a new facility. This brings excitement along with added expenses of getting settled. Ulamila and her caring workers go to extraordinary lengths to give the children not just a place to live but also a full and well-rounded childhood with special experiences and memories.

“I will protect the orphans who remain among you.”

­­­ — Jeremiah 49:11 NLT


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