Sunday School in My Language
Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands
To bring the Bible alive for children in the Pacific Islands by providing biblical, culturally applicable children’s discipleship materials in all major languages of the Pacific.
Sunday School in My Language seeks to provide biblical, culturally applicable children’s discipleship materials in all major languages of the Pacific by 2032. Sunday School in My Language partners with locals to translate a systematic theology curriculum for children in their mother language that is culturally relevant. We can make the Bible come alive for children of the Pacific Islands!
Target for 2025: $15,000
Breakdown: $1,000 per training week × 10 churches across the Pacific Islands
$5,000 for travel to these remote locations
Additional Details: Because of the scope of travel between remote islands and the many churches waiting for our missionaries to train them to do children’s ministry well, this an expensive task. However, it has the potential to reach 80,000 to 245,000 children with the gospel.
Pray for the many remote and hard-to-reach islands across the Pacific and for the villages that have never had access to the outside world or to the gospel.
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