On the poor Indonesian island of Nias, the orphanage struggles with the impact of COVID-19. Although isolated from people and quite safe from the virus, they can’t insulate themselves from its economic fallout. Many islanders are day workers who can’t work due to lockdowns, and the economy has been hit hard. Donations are down, and six children lost their support in March. The future is uncertain.

For these reasons, the children pray earnestly. They pray for the pandemic to stop and the economy to improve. They pray for needed scholarships and sponsors. They pray because the orphanage is run by a pastor whose church isn’t meeting, and no offerings are coming in.

In answer to those prayers, a generous donor has given money for much-needed kitchen tables, chairs, cabinets, and dishes. 

Now the table is set for you to bless those praying orphans of Nias and others like them.

Will you give today to put food on their tables and meet the needs of children hurt by this global pandemic?


Meet Our New Director, Doris Eckert!


Lessons from Lockdown