ALO 2020 Vision: Looking Back
Imagine being an abused or abandoned child just starting to feel safe enough to drop your guard and bloom in a loving children’s home that fed and clothed you, sent you to school, soothed your fears, and introduced you to a God who loves you. Now imagine that the decision of one man halfway around the world threatened to change everything, shutting down the home and school, stopping delivery of food, and casting you back onto the street alone or into the hands of a predator. Thirty years ago, that almost happened to hundreds of children.
Out of that emergency, a ministry called Asia’s Little Ones was created not only to rescue those affected children and programs but also to ensure that a tragic situation like that would never happen again. Together, thousands of ALO team members—donors of large and small amounts—would be more stable, more reliable, and better able to accomplish more for the kids and the kingdom of God. That’s where you come in, and why your partnership with ALO is so important. You are a necessary part of the team! ALO was started with a vision to…
Raise awareness of the needs of children in Asia Pacific and give people and churches an opportunity to meet them.
Spread the need over a large base of donors.
Partner with established ministries and experienced, effective workers already on the ground to efficiently provide funding for projects that would otherwise cease.
Today, those original at-risk children are grown. Among them are teachers, church leaders, political leaders, doctors, lawyers, loving parents, and even grandparents. What would have become of them without the help of ALO and generous friends like you? Without question, the picture would be very different. Your investment in the lives of these children through the years has paid great dividends for these children and for our world.
In 2020, it’s fitting that we look again at the vision that gave birth to ALO. We want to take a look back at earlier years. Where has ALO been? What has become of some of the children we’ve told you about through the years? Look at some of the wonderful things that have been accomplished through your faithful partnership with ALO through the years! See what God has done!
ALO Directors through the Years:
Bob Houlihan (1990–1995)
Bob Roberts (1995–2000)
Nathan Turney (2000–2020)
Doris Eckert (2020–)
Countries Reached:
East Timor
Solomon Islands
We celebrate story after story of real lives changed: Tâm (not his real name) was a street child in Ho Chi Minh City when his scavenging brought him to the trash outside the home of Christians. Concerned about a large growth on his eye, they took him to a doctor who performed emergency surgery. Without their help, Tâm likely would have lost his sight and maybe his life. Instead, he made a full recovery. Follow the links below to read many more stories like this!
God continually brings needs and opportunities to ALO’s “doorstep.” We trust that when we do our part, you will do yours. You may not be a surgeon or a worker on scene to pull an unclothed boy from the gutter or save a girl from her abuser. But you do what you can to help with what God has given you.
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