PNG Children’s Ministries

Papua New Guinea

To share the gospel with the children of Papua New Guinea.

PNG Children’s Ministries aims to share the gospel with the children of Papua New Guinea by providing access to God’s Word in their heart language, bringing hope and a brighter future to the people of PNG.


Target for 2025: $17,350

Breakdown: $1,000 for a sound system

$1,000 for puppets

$350 for a puppet theater

500 children’s Bibles × $30 each = $15,000

Additional Details: These special children’s Bibles are printed in the local language and are shipped to PNG. This makes them expensive yet invaluable for a people under reached but hungry for the gospel.


Lift up PNG Children’s Ministries as they share Christ’s love, praying that it brings lasting hope and transformation to the children, their families, and the entire community.

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