Lasan Scholarships



To break the cycle of poverty by providing scholarships and some basic needs for the family so children in the poorest families can graduate from high school and experience the love of Jesus.

Working to break the cycle of poverty in the lives of some of the poorest families in Ho Chi Minh City, the Lasan scholarship program helps children further their education beyond the fifth grade. Without the scholarships, these children would not be able to stay in school but would be forced into a life of begging, scrap collecting, or selling lottery tickets on the street to help their families survive.

Target for 2024: $7,000

Breakdown: 7 students at $1,000 per year

Additional Details: This scholarship provides for the educational expenses of the child as well as a small amount of rice for each family roughly equivalent to the income lost by the child’s attending school rather than working. The students and families receive educational support, and the program is kept accountable through the River Consultancy, a ministry of River Church, which is under the covering of the Vietnamese Assemblies of God.


Pray for our first graduate, who has been presented with the opportunity to go on to university. This is far above and beyond what we had hoped for. It has been a huge encouragement to the other students and the tutors at the River Consultancy.

Why Education Matters