Eben Haezer Orphanage
Providing a home, education, and discipleship to orphaned, abandoned, or destitute children and youths.
On a small island east of Sumatra, the Eben Haezer Children’s Home provides 21 children and one crippled widow with a loving home and educational support. Many children come from families who cannot support them financially and have no access to schooling. Some of the children are orphans.
Target for 2025: $5,100
Breakdown: 17 children × $25/month for food, utilities, and school fees = $425/month
Additional Details: After years of living in an inadequate building that was falling apart, the children moved to a practical new facility in 2024. It is already blessing the children, their church, and the community. God is faithful and good.

“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”
— Psalm 103:13 NLT