The Sunrise Foundation

Sensitive Country


To provide English classes and various activities for young people, expanding to offer educational and counseling programs for all members of the community, as well as compassion projects.

Sunrise provides grants for poor schools with dilapidated classrooms, as well as teacher training and scholarships for children with disabilities and from poor rural communities in a sensitive communist country. They have been invited into schools to provide sex education and suicide-prevention training using Focus on the Family curriculum and materials for middle and high-school-aged kids and educators/community leaders.

Target for 2024: $33,000

Breakdown: $15,000 for Focus on the Family training sessions; $10,000 for 20 scholarships at $500 each; $8,000 for school grants.

Additional Details: The scholarships and school grants are a vestige of the Sunrise Foundation’s original directive, which gives it legitimacy with the government. Focus on the Family training is led by national pastors, and ALO helps by providing supplies.


Pray for this harsh land with its predominantly rural and poor people. Out of the media spotlight, the people persist quietly. But God sees them, loves them, and wants to provide for their deepest needs. Pray that these believers will grow in strength in spite of the opposition they face.

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