Refugee Compassion



To provide scholarships to refugee children who would otherwise miss out on an education, condemning them to lives of poverty.

This ministry is working with 15 families to provide one scholarship per family for underprivileged refugee children from Sri Lanka, Iran, and Pakistan. Thailand does not grant asylum status to any refugee. The Thai government does not allow refugees to work or attend Thai schools. The United Nations provides housing, along with a small stipend to live on as the families wait to be placed in a country that will receive them—a process that can take many years. That’s why it’s so important to help these children receive a Christian education and to connect their families with the international church.

Target for 2024: $7,500

Breakdown: 15 scholarships at $500 each

Additional Details: This is a project in partnership with the Bangkok International Christian Assembly (ICA). ALO matches the funds raised by ICA for the scholarship program up to $7,500. The families also receive prayer support and discipleship from ICA Bangkok, as well as hands-on practical help with an urban sustainable farming initiative. Since this project began in 2020, the church and the refugee believers have launched an Iranian Christian Fellowship and a Pakistani Christian Fellowship.

“Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the Lord.”

— Psalm 34:11 NLT

Why Education Matters