Maranatha Education Center

Sensitive Country


To provide scholarships to refugee children who would otherwise miss out on an education, condemning them to lives of poverty.

The Maranatha Education Center (MEC) provides a home and hope for roughly 150 children ages 5–15 affected by the conflict and civil unrest. The goal of the MEC is to provide children with a safe place to live, to learn, and to be discipled. If it still is not safe for them to return to their villages by the time they reach high school, they will move to a youth hostel and discipleship school run by district leaders of the Assemblies of God.

Target for 2024: $10,000

Breakdown: 100 educational scholarships at $100 each

Additional Details: Most of the kids living at Maranatha are sent there for their safety. Most are the children of pastors and church leaders facing severe persecution. A large portion of these children have only one surviving parent; more than half are orphans. The Maranatha Education Center is a ministry of the Assemblies of God and is overseen by the district superintendent and Women’s Ministry leaders.


Pray for these children’s hearts, as many of them must overcome the traumas of war as well as hatred for those who killed their parents. Pray for the leaders at Maranatha who shepherd these children and for their country to experience peace.

Why Education Matters