Project Hope

Sensitive Country

In partnership with local pastors and church planters, Hope provides preschool services in two locations for 30 children of a previously isolated tribe. They also partner with local elementary schools to provide tutoring to needy families as well as meeting other needs of the community through sports outreaches, periodic medical clinics, and sharing God’s love in practical ways.


Target for 2024: $9,000

Breakdown: $4,000 for 30 scholarships at $133 each; $5,000 for 50 scholarships at $100 each for families to receive community center services.

Additional Details: Because of the relationships being built in the community, Bible translation in the tribe’s local language is underway for the first time. The translators’ lives have been transformed as they came to faith in Jesus simply through reading the Word of God. As more families come to faith, HPCC plans to disciple them, and in partnership with the local Assemblies of God, plant a church for the new believers.

“His name will be the hope of all the world.”

— Matthew 12:21 NLT

Why Education Matters