Eben Haezer Orphanage



Providing a home, education, and discipleship to orphaned, abandoned, or destitute children and youths.

On a small island east of Sumatra, the Eben Haezer Children’s Home provides 21 children and one crippled widow with a loving home and educational support. Many children come from families who cannot support them financially and have no access to schooling. Some of the children are orphans.

Target for 2024: $5,000

Breakdown: 21 children × $0.65/day to help with basic needs = $5,000

Additional Details: This home is run by a local pastor and his family. It has the endorsement of the Indonesian Assemblies of God, which provides financial assistance and support for the ministry. One big win worth celebrating is that all students passed their exams last year and advanced to the next grade level.

“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”

— Psalm 103:13 NLT


Why Homes Matter