Childcare Community Ministries Philippines


To help children reach their God-given potential through nutrition assistance, health and spiritual care, and education.

Childcare Community Ministry Philippines (CCMP) helps children reach their God-given potential through nutritional assistance, health care, spiritual care, and educational support. This transformational community-development ministry began in the impoverished communities of Manila’s garbage dump and has since grown to four current locations on three islands. More than 500 children receive a hot meal and additional services five days a week through CCMP.


Target for 2024: $42,900

Breakdown: 130,000 meals per year at $0.33 per meal

Additional Details: CCMP works in a community for 5–10 months in cooperation with local health care providers, community volunteers, a local host church, or a church planter and ministers. The program does not create dependency but rather brings hope, gives communities a needed boost, and empowers them to build a better future. Many communities previously afflicted with crime and addiction now have a vibrant church at their center, and whole families have brighter futures.


Pray for the partners and volunteers of CCMP, and for sufficient donations for CCMP’s outreach. Ministering so intensely five days a week in each community requires a high level of dedication and investment. Please pray for the children and the communities as well.

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